The Path Forward for the Illustrated Memoir Project
As we look to the future it is apparent that we need to change the format and timeline of the project. For the first five years the Illustrated Memoir Project has taken place over a 9-month academic year, meeting once per week. During the 2024-2025 summer and school year we will implement several pilot projects to test a more compressed and condensed version of the project. We will try running the project as a summer experience that meets multiple times per week as an enrichment activity with youth in the Cincinnati region. We will integrate the project into the curriculum of ELL classrooms in multiple schools, meeting daily for an entire quarter of the school year, working with twice as many students each session as we have int he past. And finally, we will travel to Uganda to run the project in a refugee settlement with one of our former students. The Uganda project will meet for two hours each day, five days per week throughout the 3 week summer break in the school calendar in May. These new iterations will allow the project to be more nimble and reach a much greater number of young people in diverse locations around the US and the world.
Photo by Enock Sadiki
Summer at Tikkun Farm
Thanks to the generous support of the Ohio Arts Council and the Starbucks Foundation, Maketank will run a pilot program in partnership with Tikkun Farm during the summer of 2024. We will engage the job trainees at the Farm to create illustrated memoirs during their creative expressions time at the farm throughout the summer. This pilot project will allow us to test run some of the aspects of the project we will encounter when we go to Uganda, primarily the fact that our participants will not have the use of chromebooks for the writing and sharing of their memoirs. The Tikkun pilot will also be the first time we are running the project with the help of an intern who is a former project participant.
To learn more about Tikkun Farm click here.
To learn more about Ohio Arts Council and the many projects they support please visit
Interior of the Nakivale Library
Nakivale Refugee Settlement, Isingiro District, Uganda
We are thrilled to be partnering with Alight to bring the Illustrated Memoir Project to Uganda in May of 2025. We plan to work with 40 young people in the refugee settlement while we are there, meeting each day in the Nakivale Library. Project director, Kate Carlier Currie and board member, intern, and past participant, Enock Sadiki will travel back to where Enock grew up to engage young refugees in Nakivale to share their stories in writing and original illustrations.